Boxborough News is committed to independent, neutral reporting of town news and information
Happy New Year from Boxborough News
Boxborough News is back! We continue to marvel at how much is going on in our small town, and we are committed to bringing you unbiased, factual reporting on local events, issues, and people. We believe that a thriving local newspaper is essential to a healthy democracy, and we aim to continue strengthening our community and promoting civic engagement in the coming year.
In 2025, we will continue to report on developing stories that impact Boxborough residents, such as the fire station building project, the Mass Ave bridge project, and the MBTA Communities zoning bylaw, as well as community stories about events and achievements of Boxborough residents. We have also added a "Notices" page to our website, where you’ll find announcements about events and other happenings in Boxborough and surrounding towns.
While we are proud of what we have accomplished with our small volunteer team, we are always looking for new volunteers so that we can expand our coverage. If you have an idea for a story or are interested in getting involved with Boxborough News, please reach out to us at
Next Week at Town Hall
On Monday January 13, the Council on Aging will meet at 2 p.m. at Town Hall where they will hear reports from the chair, staff, and Select Board liaison, as well as a Buzz update.
Click here for a list of all agendas for the upcoming weeks, including Zoom links.
Visit for other calendar and agenda items.
This Week's News
(14-Jan-25) New to town? Have a new neighbor just getting settled in? The Town of Boxborough has published a “New Residents Quick Reference Guide” with links to a number of resources that may be useful to new residents – or even longtime residents who could use a refresher.
The guide includes links to information about voter registration, building permits, transfer station stickers, and other certificates and licenses. A list of “social support services” as well as child care and pet care services are also included...
(14-Jan-25) On the wintry evening of January 9, the Boxborough Sustainability Committee (BSC) met to discuss progress on waste reduction efforts and the Climate Action Plan. In anticipation of receiving a municipal technical assistance grant from MassDEP, BSC chair Kate Davies shared that a working group composed of representatives from the BSC, the Select Board, the Finance Committee, and an at-large member has been organized to guide waste reduction efforts associated with the award.
If awarded, the working group would begin collaborating with Julia Greene, the MassDEP Municipal Assistance Coordinator assigned to Boxborough, on a waste reduction or recycling project...
(10-JAN-25) At its meeting on January 9, Boxborough’s Fire Station Building Committee (FSBC) heard updates from town consultant Context Architecture (“Context”) on the two properties currently under consideration for Boxborough’s new fire station: 72 Stow Road and 502 Massachusetts Ave... continue reading
(10-JAN-25) At its virtual meeting on Monday January 6, the Boxborough Planning Board worked through a packed agenda that included hearing a preliminary plan for the development of approximately 213 acres at 1414 Mass Ave; a first draft presentation on the comprehensive traffic study conducted by consultant Green International Affiliates; and continued public hearings on site plan approval for 340 Codman Hill Road and a proposed zoning bylaw amendment... continue reading
(8-JAN-25) At its meeting on December 17, the Boxborough Water Resources Committee (WRC) welcomed Emily DiFranco of Weston & Sampson, the consulting firm hired by the Town for “water resources planning services…to address long-term water and wastewater needs” townwide... continue reading
(8-Jan-25) On Wednesday, December 18, members of the 3A Advisory Group met with Town Planner Alec Wade to plan the next steps for bringing an MBTA Communities zoning bylaw to Annual Town Meeting (May 2025). The 3A Advisory Group is tasked with providing zoning alternatives for Boxborough’s MBTA Communities District.
Wade first reviewed and summarized the data gathered from the town’s November 18, 2024 mapping workshop, but stressed that with only 15 participants at the session, more data is needed...continue reading
(7-JAN-25) At its meeting on December 19, the A-B School Committee heard the findings from the Elementary Budget Task Force (“Task Force”) presented by Tori Campbell, School Committee member and Task Force Chairperson, and Nate Levenson of consulting firm New Solutions K12.
The Task Force was created to involve the community in an exploration of potential cost-saving measures in the wake of last year’s challenging FY2025 budget process... continue reading
(7-JAN-25) The Boxborough Finance Committee (FinCom) and Select Board kicked off the Town’s annual budget process at its joint meeting on Saturday January 4. Town Administrator, Michael Johns opened the meeting by outlining the budget goals, namely to “deliver high quality public services, attract and retain high quality staff…and maintain a desirable place to live and do business.”
Preliminary projections showed a 6% increase in the Fiscal Year 2026 operating budget. This does not include the Acton Boxborough Regional School District assessment or collective bargaining agreements for Police, Fire and DPW... continue reading
(10-JAN-25) The generosity of Boxborough residents and local organizations allowed Boxborough Community Services Coordinator (CSC) Wendy Trinks to assist almost 100 individuals across more than thirty families during the 2024 holiday season. This represents a 45.5% increase in residents assisted compared to the prior year... continue reading
“Notices” is a place to learn and share information about community events and announcements in Boxborough and surrounding towns. It also houses a community calendar.
Are you curious what’s happening around town and beyond? Visit "Notices" to browse through the postings.
Are you part of a local organization that wants to spread the word about an upcoming event? Send your announcement to for posting on the "Notices" page. Submissions are posted at the discretion of the Boxborough News editors.
Outside the Box
Looking for more local news? Curious about issues and events outside of our ten square miles? Our “Outside the Box” page points you to community newspapers and television sites in surrounding towns:
The Acton Exchange
Acton TV
The Harvard Press
The Stow Independent
The Westford CAT
The Concord Bridge
Carlisle Mosquito
The Groton Herald
Littleton Community Television
We look forward to connecting and collaborating more with these publications in the coming year!