About Us

Our Story

The Boxborough News project began in Fall 2022 and launched in April 2023. We publish every Friday on www.BoxboroughNews.org and in the Action Unlimited - Acton/Maynard/Boxborough Edition, a free print publication delivered to all Boxborough residents. 

Readers are encouraged to subscribe to receive our free email newsletter every Friday and follow us on Facebook and Instagram. 

We aim to strengthen our community and promote civic engagement by delivering unbiased, factual reporting on local events, issues, and people. As an all-volunteer staff of Boxborough residents, we are committed to creating a platform for our news, our voices, and our stories. We believe that a thriving local newspaper is essential to a healthy democracy.

Boxborough News is committed to independent reporting of town news and information. We are not affiliated with the Town of Boxborough or any political or community group. Our number one priority is publishing accurate and neutral content, and we ask that all our volunteers agree to maintain this critical neutrality. 

Boxborough News is, above all, a community project - a true group effort that depends on engagement from Town departments, boards and committees, community groups, and residents in order to succeed. We’re starting small. We’re experimenting. We’re learning and making adjustments as we go. This is just the beginning.

Our news is published inside the “Action Unlimited - Acton/Maynard/Boxborough Edition,” a FREE weekly newspaper delivered each Friday to all households in Boxborough.  Click here for the latest edition.