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Next Week at Town Hall

On Tuesday October 15, the Finance Committee will hold a hybrid meeting starting at 7 p.m. Some agenda items are the investment strategy, and a proposal to increase the CPC surcharge.

Click here for a list of all agendas for the upcoming week, including Zoom links.

Visit for other calendar and agenda items.

This Week's News

(10-OCT-24) On Thursday October 3, the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) met and discussed preliminary requests for FY26 Community Preservation Act (CPA) funds. Four preliminary requests were reviewed in order to determine whether these requests are eligible to receive CPA funds. The CPC voted unanimously that all four requests are eligible for CPA funding. 


The CPC will hold public hearings on CPA funding requests on December 5 at 7:30 p.m...

(9-OCT-24) Typically quiet on a weekend morning, the Grange Room inside Town Hall had over 30 visitors on Saturday, September 28 for “Trash Talk,” an interactive event focused on the household waste generated by Boxborough residents. 


The event was cosponsored by the Boxborough Sustainability Committee and the Office of Land Use and Permitting.


Tables with specific “trash” themes were set up throughout the room, where visitors could learn about the problem (increased waste tonnage) and possible solutions...

(9-OCT-24) The Boxborough Fire Station Building Committee (FSBC) has announced dates for a series of public outreach forums throughout October. 


The forums will be held Wednesday, October 16 at 10 a.m. at the Sargent Memorial Library; Wednesday, October 16 at 7 p.m. at the Sargent Memorial Library; Tuesday, October 22 at 7 p.m. via Zoom; and Wednesday, October 23 at 7 p.m. at the Sargent Memorial Library. 


According to a discussion at the most recent FSBC meeting on September 26, the forums are intended to be an opportunity for the town to share information with the public, as well as hear questions and feedback from the public...

(8-OCT-24) At its meeting on October 1, the Finance Committee (FinCom) discussed the certification of free cash, underspent budgets for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, the town’s pension liability, a Select Board warrant article regarding the town’s investment strategy, and a budget workshop with the Acton-Boxborough Regional School District (ABRSD).


The town received notice that the Department of Revenue (DOR) certified the town’s free cash (money that was not spent as of the end of the fiscal year plus any outstanding unspent cash) at $3.3M for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. The portion of the free cash attributed to budgets that were not fully spent was approximately $787K...

(8-OCT-24)At its meeting on Monday, September 30, the Boxborough Planning Board reviewed a draft warrant article to amend the zoning bylaw for Accessory Dwelling Units and scheduled a public hearing regarding the same, discussed potential zoning bylaw changes along Route 111, voted on an earth removal permit at 100 Codman Hill Road, and provided comments on an application before the Zoning Board of Appeals.  


In preparation for the special town meeting on February 10, 2025, the Board reviewed draft language for a warrant article to amend the Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) bylaw. A public hearing is scheduled for Monday, October 21 at 7:05 p.m. The ADU bylaw changes are needed to bring Boxborough’s zoning bylaw into compliance with the Affordable Homes Act, which was signed into law in August 2024...


(10-OCT-24) Diwalifest 2024 will be held at the Sargent Memorial Library in Boxborough on Sunday, October 20 from 12 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. The event is open to all and free to attend. The organizers of Diwalifest answered questions from Boxborough News about the celebration. 

1. What is the significance of Diwali? What does it celebrate? 

    Diwali signifies victory of light over darkness. In many parts of India Diwali also signifies the beginning of a new year.  

2. When and how is Diwali typically celebrated?

    It is celebrated every autumn on the darkest day of the lunar month, coinciding with the new moon. Like many Indian festivals, the way it is observed differs from family to family. However, a common thread in all these celebrations is the lighting of the simple clay lamp known as a Diya...

(9-OCT-24) Boxborough Community Services Coordinator (CSC) Wendy Trinks will, again, serve as a co-signer for “Beacon Santa” applications this year. The Beacon Santa Fund provides gift cards for holiday gifts for children 1 to 18 years old across twelve area towns. 


The Beacon Santa Fund is managed by three volunteers from Maynard who are committed to making sure the “Beacon Santa” program continues to serve those in need. The program used to be administered by the now-defunct local newspaper, The Acton-Boxborough Beacon...

(9-OCT-24) The Acton Boxborough Resource Center (ABRC) has become a lifeline for Acton and Boxborough families who have come through its doors since it opened in September 2023. Almost 350 local families have been helped, including more than 500 children. 


Run by Acton-Boxborough United Way (ABUW) staff and volunteers, the ABRC is centrally located at the Acton-Boxborough Regional School District Administration Building thanks to a partnership with the district. The ABRC is open to all residents of Acton and Boxborough.


“Thanks to the generosity of the community, we’re able to provide free clothing for all ages. This tangible draw has been key to bringing in residents who might not have otherwise sought out help. So many people in our community are struggling to get by, and the needs are growing every day,” says Katie Neville, ABUW Executive Director...

(8-Oct-24) The Boxborough Birders, with funding from the Friends of Sargent Memorial Library and the Boxborough Well-Being Committee, will present an “Eyes on Owls” program on Thursday, October 24 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Sargent Memorial Library. The program is free but requires registration in advance.

The program will be run by teacher/naturalist Marcia Wilson and author/photographer/naturalist Mark Wilson...

(8-Oct-24) The Town of Boxborough purchased Steele Farm in the fall of 1994. The Steele Farm Committee will host a 30th anniversary celebration on the property at 484 Middle Road on Saturday October 19 between 2 and 4 p.m. 

The event will feature seasonal refreshments and tours of the barn and Boxborough’s only remaining ice house. There will also be displays of various farm implements. While the public cannot tour the 1784 Levi Wetherbee farmhouse, there will be a “look in,” and pictures of the interior will be available...

sale poster 11_24.pdf

(8-Oct-24)  Back by popular demand, the Friends of the Boxborough Library Used Book Sale will continue as a three day event. The preview sale for members of the Friends of the Boxborough Library starts on Friday, November 1 from 5 to 7 p.m. Memberships will be available at the door. 

The main public sale will take place on Saturday, November 2 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m, and the “Everything Must Go” sale will be held on Sunday November 3 from 2 to 4 p.m., when shoppers can pay only $3 to fill a bag however they like. Standard size bags will be provided...

(8-OCT-24) Now is a good time to look at what plants are still blooming in your garden. I like to take a photo of my gardens now, so I can remember what worked this year and what I would like to repeat or change. 


If you note what is still in bloom in early October and write it down now, it will help with your planning next spring. Perhaps you will notice that there is an area that would benefit from some color. You can plan to add some more late blooming plants in that area next spring...

(1-OCT-24) On Sunday October 13, the Boxborough Historical Society will present Ted Reinstein speaking on his book “New England Notebook: One Reporter, Six States, Uncommon Stories”. 

The presentation will be in the Grange Room at Boxborough Town Hall (29 Middle Road) starting at 2:00 p.m. Admission is free, all are welcome, and registration is not required...

Outside the Box

Looking for more local news? Curious about issues and events outside of our ten square miles?  Our new “Outside the Box” page points you to community newspapers in surrounding towns:

We look forward to connecting and collaborating more with these publications in the coming year!

Our news is published inside the “Action Unlimited - Boxborough Edition,” a FREE weekly newspaper delivered each Friday to all households in Boxborough.  Click here for the latest edition.  

For the Acton/Maynard edition of Action Unlimited, click here.